Information on the Mental Health Challenges Facing Military Students, Including Ways to Access School-Based Mental Health Services
Military Family Life Counselor
Free and confidential non-medical counseling is available to Active duty. The primary role of the Military Family Life Counselor is to provide supportive counseling services to Military children and their families. The Military Family Life Counseling services include helping children manage stress, increasing self- esteem, strengthening relationships, providing resources, and increasing resiliency. There is support for families with the impact of deployment and re-integration.
Evelyn Ziccardi
Cambridge School Counselor
(321-633-3550 Ext. 42223)
The Brevard Public Schools provide mental health services, mental health information, and mental health referral information to local agencies is available through the Sea Park School Counselor Office.
Patrick Space Force Base Connections
Patrick SFB Life
Susan Clark
School Liaison Program Manager
321-494-1991 DSN: 854-1991